As our innovations always originate from true end-user needs, we rely on research and data as a basis of our development of Xtend Connect Prime. Consider these findings from two studies that examine the obstacles amputees are facing in their day-to-day life and how some of those can be navigated more easily by using a quick-change adapter.
Study 1 – 41 respondents
How to make life easier for prosthetic users by enabling change of prosthetic components.
The purpose of this study was to examine how to improve life for those living with limb-loss by facilitating, simplifying and reducing the time needed to connect/disconnect prosthetic feet.
To understand more about the demand of the market and user needs a survey was conducted with 41 amputated respondents that were prosthetic users.
Would you change shoes more often if it was easier?
Why is it complicated to change pants?
Study 2 – 47 respondents
Understanding the demand of a quick coupler for prosthetic systems.
The purpose of the study was to bring forward a product model that gives the prosthetic user the possibility to change components in a prosthetic system depending on activity.
To understand more about the demand of the market and user needs a survey was conducted with 47 amputated respondents that were prosthetic users of varying age, weight, height, degree of amputation and activity level.
Some results of this survey on user needs.