Lindhe Xtend wins Almi’s pitch award

Åre, 7 April 2014

A unanimous jury declared Lindhe Xtend from Halmstad winner in ALMI Pitch Event, which took place during the Åre Capital Market Days.

A total of 20 companies took part in the competition and the final was won by Lindhe Xtend, which is owned and run by Christoffer Lindhe.

”Fantastic and unexpected to win this award. It has been an instructive day with a lot of presentations and feedback from a panel of expert investors,” says Christoffer Lindhe.

Investor panel on the stage consisted of:
Eva Engdahl – CEO Entreprenörinvest, 
Finn Persson – Partner Spintop Ventures, 
Magnus Wiberg – Partner eEquity and
 Tobias Riuttamäki – Country manager and partner at Frontier.

Lindhe Xtend receives grant from the Jimmy Dahlsten Fund

Stockholm, 20 May 2014

Under the motto that everybody is entitled to live a free and independent life regardless of physical conditions and age, the Jimmy Dahlsten Fund wants to help entrepreneurs and visionaries to realise ideas which create new opportunities for people with reduced mobility. The aim is to support projects which, if they are realised, can help many people to achieve a better quality of life. Lindhe Xtend and the Xtend Foot product has been awarded a grant in the Innovation category.

”All too many good ideas don’t get past the idea stage, and it is a great pity as there are lots of good innovations. We therefore want to use the Jimmy Dahlsten Fund to enable more projects to be developed into finished products and services which provide benefit for the users,” says Thomas Fogdö.

Stable new ownership structure in Lindhe Xtend AB

Halmstad, May 2014

Together with founder Christoffer Lindhe and Marketing and Sales Director Jessika Broström, the ownership of Lindhe Xtend AB is now being strengthened with Almi Invest in Halmstad, Halmstad University’s Investment fund and Lindhe Intressenter AB.

”This ownership structure gives us access to both capital and a depth of knowledge within medical technology. This allows us to enter the market at a faster pace and also enables us to broaden our range in the long-term. This is important in terms of our future competitiveness in procurements,” says Christoffer Lindhe, CEO and founder of Lindhe Xtend.

Read more about the team here.

Lindhe Xtend is exhibiting at Ortopedteknik 2014 in Gothenburg

Gothenburg, 23-24 October 2014

Come and meet Lindhe Xtend at Ortopedteknik in Gothenburg. On stand 15 we will be exhibiting our range of prosthetic feet and giving practical demonstrations on our walkway of the flexibility in Xtend Foot High Active. You will also have the chance to see the secret behind the design and get to meet Christoffer Lindhe and others who use the innovative new prosthetic foot.

Visit Lindhe Xtend’s stand and workshop at NOIF’s Autumn Meeting in Bergen

Bergen, 1-2 November 2014

Come and meet Lindhe Xtend at NOIF’s Autumn Meeting in Bergen, 1-2 November. We are exhibiting our range of products including prosthetic feet and giving practical demonstrations at the stand of how flexible Xtend Foot High Active is. Meet Christoffer Lindhe and also take the opportunity to attend our workshop entitled:

A life lived to the full! Inspiration – user-led innovation – human foot prostheses.

Meet us at Momentum weekend, 28-30 November in Central Norway

Trondheim, 28-30 November 2014

Lindhe Xtend is participating in Momentum weekend in Trondheim on 28-30 November. We are exhibiting Xtend Foot and Xtend Cover and the opportunity will also be available to try out Xtend Foot. Christoffer Lindhe is also holding an inspiration lecture on Saturday at 3 p.m. Read more at

Xtend Foot wins Plastovationer’s Composite Award 2014

Jönköping, 11 November 2014

The PlastForum journal presents its awards every year at Elmia Subcontractor under the theme of Plastovation Awards 2014. In the Composites category, Lindhe Xtend won with the following nomination:

Because a product has been produced which doesn’t just promote the use of composites, but also produces an enormous amount of benefit for the user. With its Xtend Foot, Lindhe Xtend has developed a prosthetic foot which is more mobile and stable and where, furthermore, the foot blade can be adapted to the underlying surface. This makes it a really innovative product, which will be of great benefit to many people, and which can make everyday life easier for its users.

Some seventy or so people from both the industry and nominated companies had gathered to hear which contributions would receive this year’s awards.

”The fact that plastic is a varied material that can be used and developed in many different ways becomes very clear when we work with Plastovationer. This year too we have seen a broad spectrum of products, for both industry and consumers. This is evidence of innovation that bodes well for the industry,” says Martin Dyberg, chief editor of Plastforum.

Christoffer Lindhe wins Diversity Index 2014

Malmö, October 19 2014

Diversity Index is a cooperation between Region Skåne, Øresundsinsituttet/News Øresund, Mentor International, Swedbank and Malmö University. The purpose of Diversity Index is to stimulate companies and organisations to use diversity in order to create growth and the best innovation climate. Christoffer Lindhe received the price in the category Disability with the motivation:

“Through his persistance and willingness to inspire other, he has challenged himself and the people around him. He is the prime example of how we all can see opportunities when the times are really rough. He is a role-model and a true fighter, a hero in the daily life”.